Writer: Laura Imbruglia
Sam Wallman is a brilliant Melbourne-based political cartoonist I’ve been following since my friend Alyx Dennison took me along to one of his exhibitions a few years back. I’m forever grateful to her for introducing me to his work.
Sam has a way of breaking down complex political issues into digestable and easily processed information, which is something I crave! Sometimes politics are overly intellectualised to the point that I don’t feel intelligent or informed enough to enter into them, and we all know how dangerous complacency is. For this reason, I look fwd to his regular mailing list emails pointing me to his latest pieces (many of which have been for Overland).
His latest important piece for Overland Literary Journal is about the Safe Schools Program, and can be seen here.
Check it out and get behind the cause.
You can see more of Sam’s amazing work for Overland here.